13321 Yonge Street, Suite 205 Richmond Hill, ON | M-W 9-7, TH 12-7, F 9-6 | 905-773-5794

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy - Leanna Taggio, PT and Jasmine Chan, PT
What is it?
Pelvic floor physiotherapy is a specialized branch of physiotherapy involving internal and
external assessment and treatment of the pelvic floor muscles. Those muscles are located
between the hip bones and the sacrum, and they serve as a hammock/sling to support
the pelvic organs including the bladder, colon and uterus.
Why might I need it?
Pelvic floor physiotherapy is becoming more established in the literature as the first line of defense
against incontinence and pelvic pain. You may benefit from this specialized physiotherapy if you
have any type of pelvic floor dysfunction, generally classified into two problems: your muscles
are overactive (too tight) or they are underactive (too weak).
A tight pelvic floor can contribute to:
ï‚·urinary frequency and urgency
pain with urination
waking up during the night to urinate
urinary incontinence (loss of urine before making it to the washroom)
constipation, straining or painful bowel movements
sexual dysfunction (inability to have vaginal penetration or pain with penetration)
A weak pelvic floor can contribute to:
ï‚·stress incontinence (loss of urine during jumping, running, coughing or sneezing)
pelvic organ prolapse (a pelvic organ shifts out of place creating heaviness or bulging at the vaginal or rectal opening)
Other conditions that pelvic floor physiotherapy can treat are:
Dysmenorrhea (painful periods)
Vulvodynia and Vaginismusï‚·
Clitoral Phimosisï‚·
Lichens Simplex, Sclerosis, or Planus
Interstitial Cystitis and Bladder Pain Syndromeï‚·
Irritable Bowel Syndromeï‚·
ï‚·Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
These pelvic conditions can occur during any point in a woman’s life, but commonly after birth
or during menopause. Sadly, women think they must live with these symptoms for the remainder
of their life, but luckily there is much that can be done to correct these problems and lessen/get
rid of symptoms!
We look forward to helping you achieve normalcy again! Our physiotherapy patients come from Richmond Hill, Oak Ridges, Aurora, Newmarket, King City and Vaughan because they trust us to help them with their needs. Just click the button below to schedule your initial pelvic floor consultation appointment at our Oak Ridges physiotherapy clinic.